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Cypress Envirosystems Welcomes our 2020 Summer Interns

Our four college students come from all parts of the country – Northeastern in Boston, DeAnza in the Bay Area, University of California Davis in Sacramento, and University of Illinois in Urbana Champaign - and are pursuing challenging fields ranging from Computer Engineering to Bioengineering to Aerospace to Computer Science.

They are diligent at practicing social distancing at work, and are learning and helping us in manufacturing and in software development!

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Cypress Envirosystems Helps Hospitals, Nuclear Plants and Pharmaceutical Plants Operate Safely During Pandemic

Even before Coronavirus struck, many organizations were “digitizing” their facilities to enable remote monitoring and control. But retrofitting old facilities is expensive and disruptive to operations, so progress has been slow. Often, technicians still need to be physically on-site with clipboards to read dial gauges and inspect equipment.

The COVID-19 crisis has made it imperative to work remotely - it is now much more urgent to “digitize” aging assets. Customers increasingly turn to our non-invasive IoT technology e.g. the Wireless Gauge Reader, which take minutes to install and offers remote monitoring/control and diagnostic capabilities. Our team has been busy installing at hospitals, nuclear power plants, federal agency buildings, semiconductor fabs and pharmaceutical plants during the pandemic.

Through this time, we have the opportunity to see the dedicated effort from essential workers who put their own safety on the line each day to support our communities. We salute and thank them for their efforts!

Learn more about the Wireless Gauge Reader at:

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Cypress Envirosystems Reduces Labor Costs and Improves Reliability of Fire Protection System

Fire protection systems rely on a complex system of pumps, valves, risers and sprinklers to do its job. Should a fire occur, this system regulates water pressure and flow to the right location to control or put out the flames.

For the fire protection team, it is critical they confirm that all of the components of the system is ready all the time, just in case. In most facilities, this means manually checking many pressure and flow gauges all around the facility each day.

Now this checking and data gathering can be automated by using clamp on optical Wireless Gauge Readers from Cypress Envirosystems. The easy installation takes minutes without the need to cut pipes, break seals, perform leak checks or run wires. Alerts can be texted to cell phones or emailed. Data can be shared with Building Automation Systems via BACnet. This automation increases system reliability and reduces labor costs.

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Wireless Gauge Reader Monitors Performance of Bag House Emissions Control System at Coal-Fired Power Plant

Challenging installation of the Cypress Wireless Gauge Reader this week in a power plant baghouse to monitor filter status. It was blowing rain, almost freezing temperatures, in a structure 200 ft high! The WGR's performed well though.

Baghouses are air pollution control devices which remove particulates and gases from industrial processes. They are used in power plants, steel mills, food manufacturers, pharmaceutical plants etc. Wireless Gauge Readers can quickly and cost effectively capture performance data from baghouses to help ensure compliance with clean air regulations, reduce energy use, and lower cost of consumables (filter bags).

Learn more about the Wireless Gauge Reader at:

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City of Chicago Presents “Most Innovative Project Award” to Cypress Envirosystems for 2019

The City of Chicago presented Cypress Envirosystems with the "Most Innovative Project Award" for 2019, which recognizes a project team or partnership showing exceptional innovation in the field of energy efficiency.

Zeller Realty, JLL, and Cypress Envirosystems jointly received this award for our work on the “Wireless Pneumatic Thermostats and Smart Building Technology Project”. This effort saved 33% in HVAC energy consumption at 311 South Wacker Drive, an iconic 65 story skyscraper on the Chicago West Loop.

Cypress Envirosystems is honored to be a recipient of the prestigious award. Our patented Wireless Pneumatic Thermostat solution enables existing buildings to be upgraded to modern smart controls at a fraction of the cost and disruption of conventional DDC controls.

Learn more about our project at 311 S. Wacker Drive here:

Learn more about the Retrofit Chicago Awards here:


Image credit: Johnell Pannell,

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Wireless Gauge Reader Successfully Tested at EDF Labs in Paris

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France derives about 75% of its energy from nuclear reactors, the highest in the world (compared to 20% of total electricity output in the US). It has 58 operating reactors, most built over 30 years ago. All the sites are operated by EDF, which is actively modernizing its nuclear fleet.

This week, the Cypress team had the pleasure of meeting with the main EDF R&D labs at Chatou, near Paris, to test the Cypress Wireless Gauge Reader (WGR) technology's ability to digitize aging plants. Happily, our teams confirmed that the WGR is compatible with the gauges used in French plants, and the wireless radio is seamlessly compatible with the LoRaWAN networks already existing at most EDF sites. We are now looking forward to a field deployment at an operational EDF plant.

It was a real privilege to work with such a dedicated and capable team at EDF, not to mention the wonderful opportunity to be in Paris for a few days. While the Wireless Gauge Reader is already installed at or planned for over 11 nuclear plants in the US, we are just beginning the expansion to other countries including France, Canada, and Japan.

Read more here:

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Cypress Envirosystems Upgrades Pneumatic Controls at the Lincoln Medical Center in NYC

The NYC Health and Hospital Corporation (HHC) is the largest municipal healthcare system in the United States serving 1.4 million patients. The Lincoln Medical Center, founded in the Bronx in 1839, is a major acute care facility in the HHC system, with 362 beds. It has the busiest emergency department in New York City, and the third busiest in the country.

The current building, constructed in 1976, has some of the most advanced concepts in hospital design at the time. But today, its aging environmental control systems impact patient comfort, require more energy use, and costs more to maintain. As part of a modernization effort, HHC selected the Cypress Wireless Pneumatic Thermostat (WPT) to upgrade the existing pneumatic controls. A key consideration for choosing the WPT is its unique non-invasive approach – it can be installed quickly without impacting patients and ongoing hospital operations. It requires a fraction of the time and cost of traditional DDC upgrades.

The WPT is a technology vetted and approved by the New York City government (DCAS) and is already used in over 100 NYC municipal buildings including hospitals, schools, universities, and courthouses.

Read more here:

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Cypress Envirosystems Team Begins Nuclear Plant Upgrades at Nine Sites in Five States for Three Utilities

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Our Cypress Envirosystems team completes "Nuclear In Processing" training today! For the next two months, we are deploying our unique Wireless Gauge Reader (WGR) technology to help digitize nine existing nuclear power plants, for three utilities, in five states. The upgrades will help our customers reduce cost, improve safety, and minimize radiation exposure to workers.

While nuclear power generation is not without its challenges, this source of power is vital to a sustainable path to a lower carbon economy. We at Cypress are proud to play a part in this journey.

Read more here:

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Cypress Envirosystems Saves Energy at Rockland School District in New York

Harry Sim, CEO of Cypress Envirosystems, Will Speak at 2019 Future Facilities Conference in Chicago

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