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Latest News – ISA Expo 2008 Video

Automation World visited Cypress Systems' booth at the ISA Show, Oct. 14-16, Houston, TX.
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AutomationWorld – Stranded Data: Wireless is the Key

Trapped! Stranded! Held hostage! All are terms that have been used to describe data that likely exists in many places in your plant or factory today—data that, if made accessible on a continuous, real-time or near-real-time basis, could potentially help you save money in a variety of ways. Now, the emergence of new industrial wireless networking technologies promises some cost-effective ways to free that locked-up data.
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Consulting Specifying Engineer – Wireless Thermostat

Cypress Envirosystems’ wireless pneumatic thermostat (WPT) enables automatic scheduling of temperature setpoint changes, automatic calibration, and remote monitoring of temperature and pressure. Installed without disrupting existing systems,
More > – Cypress Unveils Wireless Pneumatic Thermostat to Slash Maintenance Costs

Cypress Envirosystems, a subsidiary of Cypress Semiconductor Corp., has introduced a wireless pneumatic thermostat (WPT) to reduce energy consumption and maintenance costs in older buildings with legacy HVAC systems
More > – Cypress Envirosystems Debuts Control and Monitoring Solutions to Save Energy And Improve Productivity for Older Buildings and Plants

Cypress Envirosystems Debuts Control and Monitoring Solutions to Save Energy And Improve Productivity for Older Buildings and Plants. Easy-to-Install, Non-Invasive Solutions Upgrade Pneumatic Thermostats, Manual Steam Trap Monitoring and Dial Gauges in Minutes With Payback in Under a Year
More > – Control/Monitoring Solutions Reduce Energy Costs in Older Plants

San Jose, Calif. — Cypress Envirosystems, a subsidiary of Cypress Semiconductor Corp., has introduced a family of control and monitoring solutions designed to help older buildings and manufacturing sites cut energy costs and boost productivity. These products upgrade pneumatic thermostats, manual steam trap monitoring and dial gauges in minutes, providing payback in less than one year.
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Control Magazine – Extending the Sensor Network

“Thousands,” says Conoco-Phillips’ Alan Autenrieth, who has installed a large wireless system in his plant using Honeywell’s OneWireless technology. “I have no idea how many.” There are places in the plant where we have not wanted to install transmitters for a number of reasons. So we install gauges, and send operators and maintenance personnel on gauge rounds. More > – Harry Sim's Wireless "No Brainer"

The WirelessHART community has been collectively rubbing its hands with glee for the last couple of years at the prospect of being able to release the “stranded” capabilities of all those HART transmitters, reckoned to number some 20 million, which are installed across the world’s process plants in systems whose hosts currently have no HART capability. However, to Harry Sim, the former NASA shuttle payload director whom readers last met as global vice-president of marketing for Honeywell IPS, 20 million seems a relatively paltry number. He’s got his sights set on an order of magnitude larger population of process measurement devices whose only interaction with the outside world is currently via a technician’s clip board.
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Solid-State Technology – Wireless Gauge Reader

Wireless gauge reader : The patent-pending Wireless Gauge Reader clips on to the front face of an existing gauge and doesn’t necessitate removing old gauges, breaking pressure seals, performing leak checks, running wires, or interrupting the underlying process. More >

ARC Advisory Group – Cypress Envirosystems' Solutions Automate Reading of Manual Dial Gauges

Cypress Systems Corp., a subsidiary of Cypress Semiconductor Corp., introduced non-invasive wireless gauge reading solutions to reduce costs and improve efficiency in manufacturing and processing plants.  The patent-pending Wireless Gauge Reader simply clips on to the front face of an existing gauge in minutes, at less than half the cost of alternative systems.
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